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Inquietanti Manichini

Disturbing Mannequins
Vittorio Valentini

Milan | Spazio Lambrate

13.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

Event information

Milan | Spazio Lambrate

16, Viale delle Rimembranze di Lambrate, Milan, Lombardia, 20134, Italy.

13.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

by Mosè Franchi
opening 13 ottobre h 18
from Monday to Sunday 10-13/15-20, Tuesday and Thursday closed
How to get there: Fs Lambrate – M2 Lambrate – Bus 39, 45, 54, 81, 90/91, 93, 965


Mannequins are disturbing because they have something human and at the same time they have an absence of the human. The photographer, finding himself in front of a collection of mannequins, arranging them for a photographic set, dug into that absence of humanity to find a renewed subjectivity. An identity dictated by the forms or perhaps by all the connotations that mannequins are associated with: their theatricality, and their presence in the history of art, between Dadaism, Surrealism and Metaphysics. By choosing perspectives, suggesting combinations and playing with movements, Valentini loads these inanimate bodies with stories, immortalising them in an enigmatic black-and-white that stimulates new interpretations and sensations.