Calendar 2023

Browse the agenda with all the events of the 18th edition

28.09.0203 - 21.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Sahel Red

Via Hoepli, 3 A, Milano MI, Italia Spazio Aperto San Fedele , Italia

opening 28 settembre h 18Tuesday-Saturday 14-18 and mornings by appointmentHow to reach us: M1/M3 Duomo – Tram 2, 3, 12, 14, 16Sahel Red is the result of a journey to […]

09.05.2023 - 15.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Robert Doisneau

Piazza Sant’Eustorgio, 3, Milano MI, Italia Museo Diocesano Carlo Maria Martini Piazza Sant’Eustorgio, 3, Milano, IT, Italia

Tuesday-Sunday 10-18admission full € 9 reduced €7 evenings 17.30-22.30 € 10 + cocktailHow to reach us: M2 S.Ambrogio – Tram 3,9, 10Two names spring to mind when thinking of photography […]

12.05.2023 - 19.11.2023
Exhibitions Virtual


Fabbrica del Vapore Via Procaccini, 4, Milano MI, Italia Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano, IT, Italia

Monday-Wednesday 10-20, Thursday-Sunday 10-22 and by appointmentHow to reach us: M5 Monumentale – Tram 10, 12, 14 – Bus 87An immersive journey into the heart-breaking beauty of the Amazon rainforest, […]

12.09.2023 - 31.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Forest Spirits

Fcf Gallery Via Maestri Campionesi, 25, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 12 settembre h 18.30Monday-Friday 9.30-12.30/15-18.30How to reach us: M3 Lodi – Passante Ferroviario Porta Vittoria – Tram 16 – Bus 90/91, 94, 84With his botanical photography, Peruvian photographer and […]

13.09.2023 - 08.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Face to face

Spazio Hus Via San Fermo, 19, Milano, IT, Italia

Curated by Claudia Migliore, Associazione culturale AmAMi opening 13 September h 18 Monday-Friday 10.30-13.30/15-19, Saturday by appointment How to reach us: M2 Moscova, M3 Turati – Bus 43, 94 A […]

14.09.2023 - 13.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Aipai Photo Exhibition

Piazza Po, 3, Milano MI, Italia Fondazione AEM Piazza Po, 3, Milano MI, Italia, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 14 settembre h 18Monday-Thursday 9-12.30/14-17.30, Friday 9-13How to reach us: M1 Pagano, M2 Sant’Agostino – Tram 10 – Bus 58, 61Professional and amateur photographers making a foray into industrial […]

14.09.2023 - 19.11.2023
Exhibitions Virtual


Podbielski Contemporary Via Vincenzo Monti, 12, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 14 settembre h 18Tuesday-Friday 15/19, Saturday by appointmentHow to reach us: M1/M2 Cadorna – Tram 1, 16, 19 – Bus 50, 58, 61, 94In this work, Camporesi goes back […]

14.09.2023 - 22.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Fragile Waters. Unbreakable Equations

Acquario Civico di Milano Viale Gadio, 2, Milano MI, Italia Acquario Civico di Milano, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 14 settembre h 18Tuesday-Sunday 10-17.30 admission: full price 5 €, reduced 3 €How to reach us: M2 Lanza – Tram 4, 12, 14 – Bus 45, 57The environment is […]

15.09.2023 - 08.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual


Mosso Via Angelo Mosso, 3, Milano MI, Italia mosso, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 15 settembre h 18Tuesday-Sunday 8.30-24, the exhibition is inside the bar area-public conciergeHow to reach us: M1 Loreto, Pasteur, Rovereto, M2 Loreto, Udine - Bus 56, 62An exhibition showcasing […]

15.09.2023 - 15.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual

Tell me the Truth about Nature

Via San Maurilio, 14, Milano MI, Italia Gilda Contemporary Art Via San Maurilio, 14, Milano MI, Italia, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 15 settembre h 18Monday-Friday 10.30-19 and by appointmentHow to reach us: M1/M3 Duomo - Tram 1, 2, 14, 3 - Bus 54, 57, 58, 60, 68, 79, 80, 81Dall’Angelo’s […]

15.09.2023 - 30.10.2023
Exhibitions Virtual


Scuola Mohole Via Privata Giovanni Ventura, 5, Milano, IT, Italia

opening 14 settembre h 18Monday-Friday 9.30-19.30How to reach us: M2 Lambrate – Tram 33We all contain multitudes, yet prejudice always wins out at first glance. Chiara Peroni has created photographic […]