Calendar 2023

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Latest Past Events

Drown in time

Via Miguel de Cervantes, Milano MI, Italia Biblioteca Parco Sempione Via Miguel de Cervantes, Milano MI, Italia, Milano

opening 12 ottobre h 18Tuesday Thursday 9-14, Wednesday Friday 14-19, Saturday 10-18How to get there: M1 Cairoli, M1/M2 Cadorna – Tram 1, 2, 4, 12, 14 – Bus 43, 50 57, 58, 61, 94In how many ways can one express bewilderment in the face of exceptional events? Answering this question, Donzelli has created a photographic […]

New Buildings

Matrix4Design c/o Showroom Turri Via Borgospesso 11 Via Borgospesso 11, Milano

Matrix4Design – URBAN Photo Awards Inauguration: 11 October h 18 Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 19.00 How to arrive: M3 Montenapoleone   Ten auteur photographs for ten masterpieces of recent urban architecture, combining the original vision of the photographers with the revolutionary creativity of the designers. This exhibition presents the works of ten photographers who […]

A descent into the abyss – study on Marguerite Yourcenar

Piazza Indro Montanelli, 11, Sesto San Giovanni MI, Italia Università degli studi di Milano – Polo di Mediazione Interculturale e Comunicazione Piazza Indro Montanelli, 11, Sesto San Giovanni MI, Italia, Sesto San Giovanni

in collaboration with Commissione Scientifica della Biblioteca di Mediazioneopening 10 ottobre h 15from Monday to Friday 8-19.30How to get there: M1 Sesto MarelliFrom a place which inspired the Memoirs of Hadrian, a study on Marguerite Yourcenar comes to life, on the inner perception of the self, and the encounter with the other and with human […]