Calendar 2023

Browse the agenda with all the events of the 18th edition

Latest Past Events

The Fourth Wall. Forty Years in Front of and Behind the Stage

Ex Chiesa della Maddalena via S. Alessandro, 39D, Bergamo

opening 16 settembre h 18Tuesday-Friday 15-19, Saturday-Sunday 10-12/15-19 and by appointment How to reach us: the location is in a pedestrian area in the centre of Bergamo bassa (the lower city)After many years as a set photographer, Luciano Rossetti knows he has just a few shots to sum up the expanded duration of a performance […]

The world of the mind

Atelier Sinergie Milano Viale Abruzzi, 87, Milano

Opening 16 September h 15.30 Monday - Friday 15 - 18, telephone booking requested How to reach us: M1/M2 Loreto The photographer explores darkness in search of shadows. She dives into the darkest black, captures it, with the contrasting greys and whites around it. There is a pervasive sense of complexity, in which thought becomes […]

Tests 2.0

Mirandola Comunicazione Viale Palmanova, 18, Milano

opening 16 settembre h 16Monday-Sunday 15-19How to reach us: M2 Udine – Bus 53, 62Drawing inspiration from Ugo Mulas’ “Le verifiche” (“Tests”), the author repeats his conceptual operation, adapted to the new world of photography and communications in the digital era and reflecting on the evolution of the photography process. A reflection which, therefore, focuses […]