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Claudio Comito

Gorgonzola | Palazzo Pirola

13.10.2023 - 05.11.2023

Event information

Gorgonzola | Palazzo Pirola

19, Piazza della Repubblica, Gorgonzola, Lombardia, 20124, Italy.

13.10.2023 - 05.11.2023

opening 13 ottobre h 18
Thursday-Friday 15-18 Saturday-Sunday 10-12/15-18, for tours by appointment, ph. Biblioteca Civica 02.95701237
How to reach us: M2 Gorgonzola
Claudio Comito loves the night because it allows him to watch the world from his own perspective. The fact that he’s a photographer would appear to complicate matters, yet it is precisely the need to face the technical difficulties inherent in any night-time shot to send the author in search of silences, atmospheres and situations which – in his images – take on an alluringly mysterious atmosphere underscored by the attention paid to details and printing as well as by his search for light. Ethereal and seductive ghosts emerge from the darkness enveloping the whole world: the skeleton of a building, a newsstand with its display of multi-coloured magazines, a row of empty chairs, the outline of two umbrellas folded onto themselves.